WHAT'S NEW in 2024?
November 6th, 2024. Congratulations to Guillaume for winning the Best Poster Award in Immunotherapy from the FITC at the Onco-Translational Meeting in Dijon for his work on chitosan hydrogel for the controlled release of mAbs.
October 4th, 2024. Congratulations to Maria who is awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale!
October 1st, 2024. Welcome to Gamze and Maria who joined the lab as postdoctoral fellows! So happy to have you onboard!
August 12, 2024. Congratulations to Guillaume who wrote a beautiful perspective article in Advanced Materials about the landscape of subcutaneous administration of monoclonal antibodies! More info soon!
July 31st, 2024. In collaboration with the Tibbitt lab at ETHZ, we developed a new polymer formulation for subcutaneous administration of antibodies! congrats guys!
June 13th, 2024. The work led from Clélia and Shaya published in earlier this year is highlighted on the front cover of Advanced Healthcare Materials! Fantastic news !
May 6th, 2024. Congratulations to Elsa and Sarah (Bonnet lab) who have been awarded a PhD fellowship from AXA for winning the Drug Discovery and Development challenge organized by the Institut du Médicament Strasbourg 🍾
March 28th, 2024. The work led from Guillaume published in December 2023 is highlighted on the front cover of Advanced Materials! Fantastic news !
Feb 15th, 2024. Our latest study, led by Clélia and Shayamita, who present a novel peptidic approach as a versatile nanoparticle functionalization strategy, was accepted for publication in Advanced Healthcare Materials. More information coming soon. Congratulations!
Feb 6th, 2024. Welcome to Elsa, and welcome back to Shayamita who are joining the laboratory as M2 students! They both will work on a novel peptidic formulation for nano-functionalization
Jan 15th 2024. Congratulations and welcome to Yasmin who joined the lab thanks to the support of the Cancéropole Grand Est fellowship! We're glad to have you onboard ! https://imseam.uni-heidelberg.de/news/details.php?id=72

In 2023
Dec 15th, 2023. The laboratory is pleased to announce it has been accredited a 5-years support from the National Ligue Contre le Cancer. That's a wonderful news to wrap up this amazing year 2023 !
Dec 06, 2023. We are pleased to announce our latest publication, led by Guillaume, reporting the development of a novel hydrogel platform for controlled release of monoclonal antibodies published in Advanced Materials! Well done guys!
Nov 30, 2023. Congratulations to Manon who was awarded for the best oral presentation from the Chemistry Ecole Doctorale (ED222) day !
Nov 10, 2023. Congratulations to Mainak who was awarded the best poster award at the Forum 2023 organized by the Cancéropole Grand Est
Sept 29, 2023. We are pleased to announce our latest publication, a collaborative effort between our laboratory and the Chowdhury lab (DFCI) and the Mer lab (Mayo Clinic), in which we have revealed by small molecule antagonists and protein engineering an autoinhibited state of 53BP1 in Nature Communications.
Sept 13, 2023. Congrats to Mainak and collaborators for their latest publication in Advanced Therapeutics who was selected as cover image for this issue !
July 27, 2023. So proud to announce that my group has been awarded a European Research Council Proof of Concept grant (ERC PoC). This grant will focus on the development and industrialization of a novel hydrogel-based formulation for subcutaneous administration of cell therapies. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your unwavering support and assistance, which will contribute significantly to the future success of this project. Congrats to all ! ERC Press release
May 3rd, 2023. Congrats to Pedro and Charline (LSMBO, CNRS) who were awarded the DDD challenge fellowship from the ITI Institut du Médicament Strasbourg/BNP Paribas which will fund their PhD thesis for the next 3 years - some highlight about the project here.
Apr 24th, 2023. Congrats to Mainak and Lena (from Tillement lab in Lyon) for their latest review article accepted for publication in Advanced Therapeutics where they review the clinical transfer of tumor-targeted ultrasmall nanoparticles. Well done!
Jan 26th, 2023. Congratulations to the lab for their latest publication in Nature Nanotechnology!
This work was highlighted by a News&Views in Nature Nanotechnology by Twan Lammers and Alex Sofias and by the MIT News!
Jan 2nd, 2023. Welcome to Baptiste, Bogdan, and Pedro who joined the laboratory for their M2
Jan 1st, 2023. Guillaume is back to start his PhD program though a thèse Cifre with Nano-H to develop novel hydrogel formulation for protein release!
Jan 1st, 2023. Congratulations to MC, Pierre, and the lab members for their latest publication in Small ! Well done guys!

In 2022
Dec 1st, 2022. Welcome to Julien who joined us as PhD student to design multifunctional nanoparticles!
Nov 17th, 2022. Congratulation to Clélia who was awarded a PhD Thesis award from the French National Academy of Pharmacy "Prix de thèse Formulation galénique 2022"! 🥳
Nov. 7th, 2022. Welcome to Julien who joined us as PhD student to work on the biofunctionalization of inorganic nanoparticles to target the immune system!
Oct. 4th, 2022. Welcome to Manon who joined us as PhD student for a project in collaboration with Aline Nonat to develop novel radiotracer chelating agents. Welcome to Adeline who joined us as lab manager!
April 22nd, 2022. Congratulation to Eric who was granted the 2022 PhD thesis award from the Strasbourg Biology Society! 🥳 - http://societe-biologie-strasbourg.fr/laureats/
April 1st, 2022. Welcome to Justin who joined us for his postdoctoral fellowship!
February 21st, 2022. Welcome to Clelia who joined us for her postdoctoral fellowship!
February 7th, 2022. Congratulations to Vincent, Pierre, Eric, and the team members for their awesome work published in Advanced Materials. The press release from the CNRS can be read here.
February 1st, 2022. Welcome to Guillaume who joined us for his Master 2 internship!
January 3rd, 2022. Welcome to Emeline, Lila, and Diogo who joined us for their BTS, Master 1, and Master 1 internships, respectively.
In 2021
November 29th, 2021. Congratulation to the lab for the Guy Ourisson Award 2021 from the Cercle Gutenberg. Well done to the team!
October 22th, 2021. Congratulations to Patricia and Vincent for their publication in Advanced Healthcare Materials on the design of a anti-BCMA immuno-nanoPET radiotracer for Multiple Myeloma diagnostic!
October 5th, 2021. Eric receives a postdoctoral fellowship from the ITI Institut du Médicament Strasbourg for his work on immune cell recruiters. Congrats Eric!
October 1st, 2021. Welcome to Shayamita who joined us as lab technician!
September 1st, 2021: Welcome to Eric and Joffrey who joined our lab as postdoc fellow and M2 student, respectively. Both will work on the development of novel immune-cell therapies!
July 28, 2021: Congrats to Martin, Pierre, and the whole clinical team for their validation of HD201, a potential Herceptin biosimilar! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34309241/
June 21, 2021: Our team's effort on the design of a liposome encapsulating trans crocetin salts to improve the health status of patients treated for COVID-19 in ICU is published online in J Control Release. Great work Mainak, Marie-Charlotte, Nina, Pierre! https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2021.06.033
April 21, 2021: Congrats to Nina and Aurelien (Bagnard Lab, Strasbourg) for their prize at the Drug Development and Discovery Challenge organized by the ITI Institut du Médicament Strasbourg/Université de Strasbourg. Well done!
February 1st, 2021: Welcome to Tristan who joined our lab as Master 2 student to work on the development of novel immunoPET tracers in collaboration with Loic Charbonnière and Aline Nonat at IPHC!
In 2020
December 1, 2020: Welcome to Chloé who joined our lab as postdoc fellow to work on the development of novel polymers/hydrogels!
November 2, 2020: Welcome to Patricia who joined our lab to start her PhD on immuno-nanotherapy!
September 29, 2020: Alexandre obtained his Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) from Strasbourg University.
September 21, 2020: Team event at the Internationaux de Strasbourg WTA tennis tournament.
September 2020: Welcome to Audrey who joined the lab as a M1 student to work on targeted nanoparticles applied to cancer!
September 2020: Vincent and Mainak published our lab FIRST paper in Advanced Therapeutics - an interesting review describing the role of nanomedicine in immunotherapy.
September 2020: Alexandre was awarded the prestigious ERC Starting Grant 2020 to finance the lab innovative and ambitious research projects. We are therefore looking to hire motivated PhD students and postdocs to join our dream team and work in immunonanotherapy - please contact us for more info using our contact form.
ERC Starting Grants 2020 - European Research Council
July 2020: Vincent was awarded a ministery fellowship to finance his Ph.D work in close collaboration between our lab and the Goetz lab.
January 2020: Welcome to Amandine who joined us as a first year student from ESBS to work on Terbium nanoparticle functionalization!
In 2019
December 2019: Welcome to Victor who joined our lab as an intern to complete his Master internship in biostatistics (University of Strasbourg)!
December 2019: Alexandre was awarded the Junior Brian Novis Research Award from the International Myeloma Foundation to finance the lab research projects on antibody-targeted nanoparticles for Multiple Myeloma.
2020 Brian D. Novis Grant Recipients
December 2019: Welcome to Mainak who joined the lab as postdoctoral fellow, and work on the development of novel protein degrader drugs!
November 2019: Vincent was awarded the best poster prize from La Ligue Contre le Cancer Région Grand Est, for the presentation of the results of his research work on a novel monoclonal antibody as therapeutic in pancreatic cancer.
20e Journée Scientifique de La Ligue contre le cancer des Comités du Bas-Rhin et du Haut-Rhin
September 2019: Welcome to Vincent who joined the lab as intern to complete his Master internship in immunotherapy (University of Strasbourg)!
April 2019: Welcome to Marie-Charlotte who joined the lab as technician. She deserves a special introduction as the very 1st team member of our lab!
March 2019: Launch of our nanotranslational laboratory at the Centre Paul Strauss/Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, directed by Alexandre Detappe, PhD.